Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One month already

We've been living with Mark's mom for one whole month already.
We have become her slave.
Since she insist on me running errands for her.
I make Mark do most of it since he is home and I'm at work.
He doesn't want to talk about it with her.
I don't know what to say. She's been supportive.
But also a pain in the ass.
It's also been a month since I starting blogging.
I don't think anyone reads this.
I guess its good, no one can go running to tell my mother in law lol


  1. I'm reading, I'm reading!
    I don't envy your situation at all!

  2. Oh you sweet sweet lady!!
    Hang in there with the mother-in-law... the hubby can do the errands. Blah!
    Love your blog btw :)
